Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy National Day UAE

Through my blog I would like to express my feeling to my country a great nation that deserves the Best Wishes on its 41st National Day! Great Leaders built this nation under the leadership of HH.Sh. Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

For those of us living in the UAE, national day is on the 2nd of December. The idea behind the date is that on that same day in 1971 the area formally declared its independence from Great Britain and began working towards unifying what is now the United Arab Emirates.

The most interesting thing about the celebrations here is that they follow a new theme almost every year and with a different logo for each. This year’s theme, like in 2011, is “Spirit of The Union” which fits the history perfectly. The logo shows the rulers of all 7 Emirates standing together with the UAE flag.

Union Tree Initiative

The Union Tree Initiative is an initiative of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and already it has seen tens of thousands of trees being planted across the nation since being launched on November 15, 2012, as part of the National Day celebrations.
H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum launched the Initiative as a symbol of unity, peace, stability and freedom for the UAE. It is also aimed at consolidating the spirit of unionism, love and loyalty for the country. 
Union Tree Initiative at my work place "Dubai Courts"

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